
  • Mustafa GÜL Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa Unıversity
  • Erdem KANIŞLI Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa Unıversity


Accounting History, Bookkeeping Systems, Events That Changed Accounting


In the study, in which a historical evaluation was carried out on the milestones of accounting, important turning points in the history of accounting were discussed. The main purpose of the study is to highlight the changes experienced in the field of accounting until today while creating a timeline for the history of accounting based on milestones. The study, which started with the concept of accounting and the factors affecting accounting, is a literature review on the changes in accounting over the periods. It deals with the changes in terms of the important events that brought them about.


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How to Cite

GÜL, M., & KANIŞLI, E. (2023). THROUGH MILESTONES THE PAST, TODAY, FUTURE OF ACCOUNTING. Journal of Management and Organization History, 2(1), 58–81. Retrieved from